
Thanks for filling the application!

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Site address: http://mythological-stories.wikidot.com/

Status: under construction

Application text:
A description of my wiki.
This is intended to be an expansive collaborative universe filled with captivating narratives, epic battles, and intricate character development. Users have the creative freedom to submit virtually anything, adding their unique contributions to shape a grand-scale storyline. From a cosmology, a world-build, a power system, and more!

While I haven't started it on wikidot, I always been a fan of the SCP Wiki. Leading me into wanting to make somthing simlar. And I did, sort of. I originally made a wiki on the fandom site, but as I learned their copyright policy, I no longer wished to continue working on there. So I came across this platform once again to restart. While there is nothing on this website's wiki, my orginal one has content I wish to tranfer over, though, I do wish to get it turned into the community subscription first. Please consider accepting it for I can turn my project, my creativity, and my works, into reality.

Old wiki link