AdventureQuest Wiki

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Status: this is just an idea I need help with

Application text:
The current AQ Wiki, hosted on Fandom, is messy, and a lot of information, especially older content, is unavailable. Trying to find something there is like finding a needle in a haystack.

This wiki will address that problem and has already proven effective, with AdventureQuest World flourishing and content easily traceable. The idea of how to arrange things will be the same as in that game, as AdventureQuest World is essentially an MMO version of AdventureQuest. Although content is readily available in the AdventureQuest forum, navigating it takes considerable time compared to using a wiki. I'm also replaying the game with a different perspective, so any information can be easily sorted, especially regarding shops and item descriptions.

The community shares the same sentiment, as finding any information they need is currently quite challenging.

The community wishes for a more effective content searching, and as for the content, it is ready all it needs is a proper place to put and link things.