We will get back to you through a Private Message as soon as we review it. Have a nice day!
Site address: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/International_Ototoxicity_Management_Group_(IOMG)
Status: under construction
Application text:
This is an international collaboration of scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and other professionals working towards improving ototoxicity management. We have been trying to use Wikiversity since many of the members are in academia, however we want to be able to share files with each other in a way that is allowed by each of our organization's firewalls (e.g. US Government organizations do not allow Google-based platforms). Wikiversity would not allow a truly private space for that. Beyond sharing files with each other, we want to have a space to disseminate the information that our members gather through their work for the public to consume (such as protocols, recommendations, helpful resources). This seems like a good platform to have some private spaces and some public spaces to allow (private) collaboration and (public) dissemination with people around the globe with different technological infrastructures at work.