Les Immateriaux

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Status: this is just an idea I need help with

Application text:
In our seminar on the exhibition by Jean-François Lyotard in Paris 1985 held in the Centre Pompidou in Paris, we are researching the sites and zones of the exhibition trying to in a way reconstruct it. It is very hard to come by material on this subject and even though there are some existing works on the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard and his philosophy and same called exhibition Les Immateriaux; on most of the exhibited art it is hard to find content. But as a group of 10 plus the professor, we wan to create a wiki on the exhibition retrieving the lost information on the exhibited artworks to get a knowledge about the technological advancements during the 1980s and revive a lost "art piece" an archive of Le Immateriaux.
Since this is only on the scope of a seminar, we decided to present our findings on a wiki where not only us but also other interested academics could contribute to our endeavour.