Backlinks Module


This module simply lists all the pages from the given wiki that contain links to the current page.


No attributes.


If you want to change the appearance of the list you should define (within your custom theme) the following class definition:

    [your definition]


[[module Backlinks]]

and this produces backlinks for this page:

Tip: You can use the Backlinks module to make soft categories — simply create pages in the namespace category:, e.g.

  • category:cars
  • category:bikes
  • etc…

Each of these pages could have a description of the category and the [[module Backlinks]] that would list the pages…

And within the pages you want to add to specific categories you would put links to these categories, e.g. at the bottom:

++ Categories:

[[[category:cars]]], [[[category:bikes]]]

Moreover if all your category pages, i.e. category:cars, category:bikes etc. include a link to a page called category:all — it is a quick way to put the module in the category:all too and have a list of all categories.