I'm an electrical engineer at Microchip Technology where I have worked since 1996 both as a Field Applications Engineer and as a Technical Training Engineer. In my capacity as a technical trainer, my specialty has been the development of embedded systems programming classes with a focus on assembly language, C, C++, and MPLAB X, our integrated development environment based on NetBeans. I have also written classes on microcontroller architecture and digital signal processing and have extensive experience teaching classes on USB, Ethernet, and embedded web servers.
In my free time I'm a Linux enthusiast, amateur radio operator, and an life-long amateur (and sometimes semi-professional) artist who has worked with both traditional and digital media. My favorite digital tools include Photoshop, Illustrator, Carrara, modo, Vue, and Visio.
I'm presently the master admin and a major content contributor to the Microchip Technology Developer Help site, hosted here at Wikidot.