Noxus Realms

Thanks for filling the application!

We will get back to you through a Private Message as soon as we review it. Have a nice day!

Site address:

Status: under construction

Application text:
Noxus Realms is a growing Realm of the Mad God based private server. We are managed by a large group of players and staff. I [ArQane] am a moderator of the server, and I decided to use wikidot as our wiki source. With this, our game can pair our players to on demand information. Our site has just begun, and I am getting the hang of using wikidot. With Community, the 2 owners of the server can also manage and maintain the wiki. Along with other features, we can make our wiki improved and more user friendly for both editors and the community.
Note: The server has gone temporarily down because of required updates, but we will be updating the wiki with the server so that information is ready to players once they come back