PageCalendar Module


The PageCalendar module creates a blogger-friendly calendar that displays the number of pages (articles) created per year and month. It also works great with the ListPages module as shown below.

We are still working on this module so the final syntax and specifications might change.


attribute required allowed values default description
category no comma- or space-separated category names or "*" for whole wiki, or @URL current category sets the scope of processed pages
tags no comma- or space-separated tag names with + and - modifiers,
or @URL
none lists tags that are used as a criteria to select pages, the "+" before the tag makes it required, "-" means "without a tag" and tags without modifiers translate to "pages that have any of those tags";
"@URL" takes the tags from the URL
startPage or targetPage no any valid wiki page current page sets the page that will be displayed when any of the dates is clicked
urlAttrPrefix no any alphanumeric none prefix for the parameters passed via the URL e.g. to the ListPages module

If you are using PageCalendar with ListPages, make sure that the urlAttrPrefix has the same value in both modules.

Parameters that accept the @URL value, i.e. allow for passing the value in the URL, also allow for default values similar to the ListPages module.


List pages in the documentation section grouped by year and month, linked with the ListPages module:

[[module PageCalendar category="doc"]]
[[module ListPages category="doc" perPage="7" date="@URL" separate="false" prependLine="||~ Page||~ Date created||~ Created by ||"]]
|| %%linked_title%% || %%date%% || %%author%% ||
Page Date created Created by
Karma 29 Apr 2014 11:12 TeRqTeRq
Nextpreviouspage Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
Pagesbytag Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
Childpages Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
Managesite Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
Clone Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
Membershipbypassword Module 29 Apr 2014 09:36 Anonymous
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