Paragraphs and newlines

Paragraphs are separated by two new lines. One new line produces a… new line.

First paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Second paragraph. Aenean a libero. Vestibulum adipiscing, felis ac faucibus imperdiet, erat lacus accumsan neque, vitae nonummy lorem pede ac elit.
Just a new line.
Another new line.

First paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Second paragraph. Aenean a libero. Vestibulum adipiscing, felis ac faucibus imperdiet, erat lacus accumsan neque, vitae nonummy lorem pede ac elit.
Just a new line.
Another new line.

there is a special character used for line-break at the end of a line which does not start a new paragraph and is very useful in tables or divs where it is sometimes needed:
it contains a "space" and "underscore" (and then "enter" ) to insert such "\n" in the code and start at the next line.

The difference is not easy to show ( because spaces + enter are rendered also in Code blocks to nearly one line):

Only 5x space+ Enter:

Last line after 5 x enter 

With special Line-Break: _
Last line after 5 x special line-Break

Only 5x space+ Enter:

Last line after 5 x enter

With special Line-Break:

Last line after 5 x special line-Break

Do not forget that spaces alone or empty lines are rendered to one line!